Audio Settings's API supports a vast amount of codecs via both open source and commercial engines. For AAC, AC-3, E-AC3, and HE-AACv1 and v2, Dolby's engine is available at no additional cost for licensed content creation by their own engines.

Support for Dolby Atmos is covered in a distinct section.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <userid>[UserID]</userid> <!-- required-->
    <userkey>[UserKey]</userkey> <!-- required-->
    <action>addMedia</action> <!-- required-->
    <source>[SourceFile]</source> <!-- required-->
    <format> <!-- required -->
        <output>[output]</output> <!-- required -->
        <copy_audio_streams>[Audio streams]</copy_audio_streams>
        <!-- format params -->
    "query": {
        "userid": "[UserID]", // required
        "userkey": "[UserKey]", // required
        "action": "[Action]", // required
        "source": "[SourceFile]", // required
        "format": {
            "output": "[output]", // required
            "audio_codec": "[AudioCodec]",
            "audio_bitrate": "[BitRate]",
            "acbr": "[yes|no]",
            "audio_sample_rate": "[SampleRate]",
            "audio_channels_number": "[ChannelsNumber]",
            "audio_volume": "[Volume]",
            "copy_audio_streams": "[Audio streams]",
            "audio_sync": "[SyncParam]",
            "pan": "[Pan]",
            "audio_minrate": "[MinBitRate]",
            "audio_maxrate": "[MaxBitRate]",
            "audio_bufsize": "[BufferSize]",
            "loudnorm": "[LoudnessNormalization]",
            "loudnorm_range": "[NormalizationRange]",
            "loudnorm_peak": "[NormalizationPeak]",
            "audio_only": "[yes|no]",
            "aac_signaling_mode": "[SignalingMode]",
            "dolby_cbr": "[yes|no]",
            "audio_encoder": "[auto|dee]",
            "audio_profile": "[AACProfile]",
            "auto_audio_trim": "[yes|no]"
            // format params
ParameterDescriptionAllowed ValueDefault Value
audio_codecSpecify the audio codecmp3: libmp3lame
m4a: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, eac3, eac3joc
flv: libmp3lame, libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2
mp4: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, ac3, eac3, eac3joc
fl9, m4v, ipod, iphone, ipad: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2
wowza, roku_*, kindle_fire: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, eac3, eac3joc
mov: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, eac3, eac3joc, pcm_s24le, pcm_s24be, pcm_f32be, pcm_f32le, dolbye
iphone_stream, ipad_stream: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2
wowza_multibitrate, hds: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, eac3, eac3joc
smooth_streaming: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, eac3, eac3joc
advanced_hls, fmp4_hls, advanced_dash, advanced_fmp4: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, ac3, eac3, eac3joc
fmp4_hls, advanced_dash, advanced_fmp4: libfaac, dolby_aac, libfdk_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, ac3, eac3, eac3joc
wmv, wma, zune: wmav2, libmp3lame
wav: pcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, pcm_s32le
ogg, webm: libvorbis
android: libamr_nb, libfaac, libfdk_aac
mpeg2: pcm_s16be, pcm_s16le, ac3
mpeg1: mp2, copy
mpegts: ac3, eac3, eac3joc, libfaac, libfdk_aac, libmp3lame, mp2, dolby_aac, dolby_heaac, dolby_heaacv2, copy
mpeg_dash: libfaac, libfdk_aac, eac3, eac3joc
mxf: pcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, pcm_s24be, copy
dnxhd_mxf: pcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, copy
apple_prores: copy, pcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, pcm_s32le, libfaac, libfdk_aac
cablelabs_mpegts: ac3, s302m, mp2
mainconcept_mxf: pcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, copy
mxf_op1a: pcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, pcm_s24be, dolbye, copy
mxf_as11: copy
flv, mp3: libmp3lame
fl9, mp4, m4v, ipod, iphone, ipad, wowza, kindle_fire: libfaac
mov: libfaac
iphone_stream, ipad_stream, wowza_multibitrate, smooth_streaming, hds: libfaac
advanced_hls, fmp4_hls, advanced_dash, advanced_fmp4: libfaac
wmv, zune: wmav2
: pcm_s16le
ogg, webm: libvorbis
android: libamr_nb
mpeg2: pcm_s16be
mpeg1: mp2
m4a: libfaac
mpeg_dash: libfaac
mpegts: ac3
mxf: pcm_s24le
dnxhd_mxf: pcm_s16le
apple_prores: pcm_s24le
mainconcept_mxf: pcm_s24le
mxf_op1a: pcm_s24le
mxf_as11: copy
audio_bitrateSpecify the audio bitrate.Nk – where N is any non-zero integer.

flv, wmv, mp3, wma, zune: 32k, 40k, 48k, 56k, 64k, 80k, 96k, 112k, 128k, 144k, 160k, 192k, 224k, 256k, 320k
ogg, webm: 45k,64k, 80k, 96k, 112k, 128k, 160k, 192k, 224k, 256k, 320k, 500k
All: 64k
android: 12.2k
ipod, iphone, ipad: 128k
acbrEnable CBR (Constant bitrate) for audio streams. Only for vorbis (Ogg, Webm).yes, nono
audio_sample_rateSpecify the audio sampling frequency (Hz).All: any non-zero integer
flv, mp3: 11025, 22050, 44100
ogg, webm: 16000, 32000, 44100, 22050, 11025, 192000
wmv, wma, zune: 11025, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000
mpeg2: 44100, 48000
All: none
mp4: 44100
android: 8000
flv, mp3, zune, mpeg2: 44100
audio_channels_numberSpecify the number of audio channels.All: any non-zero integer
android: 1, 2
All: 2
android: 1
audio_volumeSpecify audio volume level as a percentage.Non-negative integer100
copy_audio_streamsSpecify audio streams to be passed to the output.Comma separated non-negative integers, or all or autoauto
audio_syncAdjusts the audio stream to match the timestamps, in number of samples per second. 1 is special value that means automatic.positive integer or auto if you want us to handle audio synchronization issuesnone
panEnable the selection and remapping of audio channels.output_audio_chanel,input_audio_channel:output_audio_chanel,input_audio_channel
Example: 0,0:1,1
audio_minrateSpecify minimum allowed audio bitrate.N or Nk — where N is any non-zero integernone
audio_maxrateSpecify the maximum allowed audio bitrate.N or Nk — where N is any non-zero integernone
audio_bufsizeSpecify rate control buffer size (bits).N or Nk — where N is any non-zero integernone
loudnormSpecify the integrated loudness target.Negative float number from -70.0 to -5.0none
loudnorm_rangeSpecify the loudness range target.Positive float number from 1.0 to 20.0none
loudnorm_peakSpecify the maximum true peak.Float number from -9.0 to 0.0none
audio_onlyUse only audio streams in outputyes, nono
aac_signaling_modeAudio signaling modesbr-implicit, sbr-explicit-nbc, sbr-explicit-compatible, sbr-and-ps-explicit-nbc, sbr-and-ps-explicit-compatiblenone
dolby_cbrTurn dolby aac/heaac/heaacv2 encode to mp4 container instead of raw audio stream to make an audio CBR output.yes, nono
audio_encoderSelect what audio encoder will be used for eac3 audio codecauto, deenone
audio_profileAAC audio profileaac_low, aac_he, aac_he_v2, aac_ld, aac_eldnone
auto_audio_trimAuto trim audio track if it's duration is longer than video durationyes, nono



If you specify the audio_codec as 'copy', the options audio_channels_number, audio_sample_rate, audio_bitrate will be ignored and their values will be copied from your source file.



audio_volume parameter will not work with *dolby_** audio codecs if audio_normalization or input_dialnorm parameters are set.



copy_audio_streams parameter is only applicable for mp4 and mov output formats and audio_codec = copy.


EBU Requirements

loudnorm: -23
loudnorm_range: 1
loudnorm_peak: -1

EBU Guidelines


FCC Requirements

The CALM Act prohibits broadcasters from broadcasting commercials at a louder volume than their accompanying programming. The information below outlines the US requirements.

loudnorm: between -23 and -25 LKFS
loudnorm_peak: -2
No requirement for range.

FCC Guidelines



Loudnorm feature not supported by advanced multibitrate formats.



Loudnorm feature doesn’t affect Dolby audio


For audio_only parameter

<audio_only /> parameter works only for mp4 and mpegts output formats.


For aac_signaling_mode parameter

<aac_signaling_mode /> parameter works only with dolby_heeac and dolby_heeacv2 audio codecs.


For audio_profile

<audio_profile /> parameter works only with libfdk_aac audio codec.