Audio Stream Validation and Automatic Repair

We provide the ability to validate audio stream quality and repair some problems.

We will validate the following audio parameters:

  • Empty or silent channels
  • Channels with low loudness levels
  • Loudness difference between paired channels (L and R, SL and SR)
  • LFE channel contains high-frequency sound louder than average level -10dB

We can then repair empty/silent audio channels where possible.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <userid>[UserID]</userid> <!-- required-->
    <userkey>[UserKey]</userkey> <!-- required-->
    <action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
    <source>[SourceFile]</source> <!-- required -->
        <output>[OutputFormat]</output> <!-- required -->
            <!-- audio_stream params -->
        <!-- multiple audio_streams -->
            <!-- audio_stream params -->
        <!-- format params -->
    "query": {
        "userid": "[UserID]", // required
        "userkey": "[UserKey]", // required
        "action": "[Action]", // required
        "source": "[SourceFile]", // required
        "format": {
            "output": "[OutputFormat]", // required
            "audio_stream": [
                    "validate": {
                        "on_error": "[pass|fail|report]",
                        "repair": "[yes|no]",
                        "loudness_diff": "[LoudnessDiff]",
                        "stereo_diff": "[StereoDiff]",
                        "side_diff": "[SideDiff]"
                    // audio_stream params
                    // audio_stream params
            // format params
ParameterDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Value
on_errorValidation actionpass – ignore validation
fail – fail media if repairing not possible
report – only report validation errors in media status and notification
repairAttempt to repair audioyes, nono
loudness_diffMaximum allowed difference in loudness between a channel and the average levelPositive integer number between 1 and 3015
stereo_diffMaximum allowed percentage difference in loudness between L and R channelsPositive integer number between 1 and 1005
side_diffMaximum allowed percentage difference in loudness between SL and SR or BL and BR channelsPositive integer number between 1 and 10010

Validation Results

Audio Stream Validation results can be found in the extended GetStatus response (e.g <extended />; parameter set to yes) and in the media notification.

Extended GetStatus response

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!-- job params -->
            <!-- format params -->
                <!-- ... -->
                <!-- ... -->
                <!-- audio_validation params -->
            <!-- format params -->
        <!-- job params -->
    "response": {
        "job": [
                "id": "[MediaID]",
                "userid": "[UserID]",
                "sourcefile": "[SourceFile]",
                "status": "[MediaStatus]",
                // job params
                "format": [
                        "id": "[ID]",
                        "status": "[Status]",
                        // format params
                        "audio_validation": [
                                "stream_id": "[AudioStreamID]",
                                "alternate_id": "[AlternateID]",
                                "state": "[ValidationStatus]",
                                "muted_channels": [
                                    // ...
                                "too_low_level": [
                                    // ...
                                "stereo_diff": "[0|1]",
                                "side_diff": "[0|1]",
                                "high_freq_lfe": "[0|1]"
                                // audio_validation params
                        // format params
                // job params

Notification Data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <description>[ErrorDescription]</description> <!-- Only present when Status = Error -->
        <!-- format params -->
            <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->
            <!-- audio_validation params -->
    "result": {
        "mediaid": "[MediaID]",
        "source": "[SourceFile]",
        "status": "[MediaStatus]",
        "description": "[ErrorDescription]",
        "format": {
            "output": "[OutputFormat]",
            // format params
            "audio_validation": [
                    "stream_id": "[AudioStreamID]",
                    "alternate_id": "[AlternateID]",
                    "state": "[ValidationStatus]",
                    "muted_channels": [
                        // ...
                    "too_low_level": [
                        // ...
                    "stereo_diff": "[0|1]",
                    "side_diff": "[0|1]",
                    "high_freq_lfe": "[0|1]"
                    // audio_validation params


For audio_validation

The <audio_validation /> section will be included to the notification data only if
<extended_notify /> media parameter was set to yes.

stream_idAudio Stream ID
alternate_idAlternate Source ID. Optional for advanced multi-bitrate formats.
stateValidation status. Possible values: ok, warn, and error.
muted_channelsAn array of a number of channels which loudness is is below -70dB
too_low_levelAn array of a number of channels which loudness is less than average loudness for a value specified in <loudness_diff />
stereo_diffThe loudness difference between stereo channels is more than the value specified in <stereo_diff />
side_diffThe loudness difference between side channels is more than the value specified in <side_diff />
high_freq_lfeLFE channel contains high-frequency sound.