Notify Response Format

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <meta>[MediaMeta]</meta> <!-- Only present if media metadata was sent -->
    <description>[ErrorDescription]</description> <!-- Only present when Status = Error -->
        <destination>[URL]</destination> <!-- Only present when Status = Finished -->
        <destination_status>[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]</destination_status> 
        <destination_status>[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]</destination_status>
        <!-- ... -->
        <destination_status>[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]</destination_status>
        <description>[ErrorDescription]</description> <!-- Only present when Status = Error -->
        <suggestion>[ErrorSuggestion]</suggestion> <!-- Only present when Status = Error -->
            <!-- output_json data -->
            <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->
            <!-- audio_validation params -->
    "result": {
        "mediaid": "[MediaID]",
        "source": "[SourceFile]",
        "status": "[MediaStatus]",
        "meta": "[MediaMeta]", // Only present if media metadata was sent
        "description": "[ErrorDescription]",
        "format": {
            "output": "[OutputFormat]",
            "destination": "[URL]",
            "destination_status": "[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]",
            "status": "[TaskStatus]",
            "description": "[ErrorDescription]",
            "suggestion": "[ErrorSuggestion]",
            "output_json": {
                // output_json data
            "audio_validation": [
                    "stream_id": "[AudioStreamID]",
                    "alternate_id": "[AlternateID]",
                    "state": "[ValidationStatus]",
                    "muted_channels": [
                        // ...
                    "too_low_level": [
                        // ...
                    "stereo_diff": "[0|1]",
                    "side_diff": "[0|1]",
                    "high_freq_lfe": "[0|1]"
                    // audio_validation params
    "result": {
        "mediaid": "[MediaID]",
        "source": "[SourceFile]",
        "status": "[MediaStatus]",
        "meta": "[MediaMeta]", // Only present if media metadata was sent
        "description": "[ErrorDescription]",
        "format": {
            "output": "[OutputFormat]",
            "destination": [
            "destination_status": [
                "[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]",
                "[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]",
                "[Saved|Error (ErrorDescription)]"
            "status": "[TaskStatus]",
            "description": "[ErrorDescription]",
            "suggestion": "[ErrorSuggestion]",
            "output_json": {
                // output_json data
            "audio_validation": [
                    "stream_id": "[AudioStreamID]",
                    "alternate_id": "[AlternateID]",
                    "state": "[ValidationStatus]",
                    "muted_channels": [
                        // ...
                    "too_low_level": [
                        // ...
                    "stereo_diff": "[0|1]",
                    "side_diff": "[0|1]",
                    "high_freq_lfe": "[0|1]"
                    // audio_validation params


Destinations when using JSON format

If media has only one destination, than destination and destination_status parameters will be presented as a string, otherwise these parameters will be presented as an array, with indices of each destination matching the same index for status.


For audio_validation

The <audio_validation /> section will be included to the notification data only if
<extended_notify /> media parameter was set to yes.

mediaIDA unique identifier assigned to each new media.
SourceFileMedia source file URL.
MediaStatusMedia Job results are "Finished" or "Error".
URLCould be one of the following:



— the bucket must have WRITE permission for AWS user 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b962948f69972a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869

See Amazon S3 ACL for details OR the URL below if destination was not specified in the query.

TaskStatusIndividual task results are "Finished" or "Error".
ErrorDescriptionIf the job ends in error, an error description is provided.
ErrorSuggestionIf we have a suggested resolution for the error it will be provided here.
OutputFormatFormat of encoded file, as was requested in the query.