Audio Multitrack Settings supports the use of multiple audio tracks mapped to outputs. You can change audio track settings in the <audio_stream> section.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <userid>[UserID]</userid> <!-- required-->
    <userkey>[UserKey]</userkey> <!-- required-->
    <action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
    <source>[SourceFile]</source> <!-- required -->
        <output>[OutputFormat]</output> <!-- required -->
            <language>[ISO639-2 language identifier]</language>
            <!-- Common audio settings -->
                    <!-- input channel params -->
                <!-- audio channel params -->
                    <!-- audio tune channel params -->
        <!-- multiple audio_streams -->
            <!-- audio_stream params -->
        <!-- format params -->
    "query": {
        "userid": "[UserID]", // required
        "userkey": "[UserKey]", // required
        "action": "[Action]", // required
        "source": "[SourceFile]", // required
        "format": {
            "output": "[OutputFormat]", // required
            "audio_stream": [
                    "use_stream_id": "[SourceMediaAudioStreamID]",
                    "natural_order": "[yes|no]",
                    "language": "[ISO639-2 language identifier]",
                    "channel": [
                            "id": "[OutputChannelID]",
                            "in": [
                                    "id": "[SourceTrackID:SourceChannelID]",
                                    "gain": "[ChannelGainLevel]",
                                    "program_id": "[ProgramID]"
                                    // input channel params
                            "split_layout": "[SplitLayout]"
                            // audio channel params
                    "normalize": "[yes|no]",
                    "layout": "[AudioLayoutName]",
                    "audio_channels_number": "[ChannelsNumber]",
                    "automix_channels": "[yes|no]",
                    "lfe_low": "[LfeLow]",
                    "lfe_high": "[LfeHigh]",
                    "split_channels": "[yes|no]",
                    "validate": {
                        "on_error": "[pass|fail|report]",
                        "repair": "[yes|no]",
                        "loudness_diff": "[LoudnessDiff]",
                        "stereo_diff": "[StereoDiff]",
                        "side_diff": "[SideDiff]"
                    "metadata_channel_layout": "[LayoutMetaData]",
                    "upmix_channel_gain": {
                        "fl": "[FLGain]",
                        "fr": "[FRGain]",
                        "fc": "[FCGain]",
                        "lfe": "[LFGain]",
                        "sl": "[SLGain]",
                        "sr": "[SRGain]",
                        "bl": "[BLGain]",
                        "br": "[BRGain]",
                        "bc": "[BCGain]"
                    "disposition": "[visual_impaired|hearing_impaired]",
                    "program_id": "[ProgramID]",
                    "audio_tune": {
                        "low_pass_filter": "[FilterFrequency]",
                        "high_pass_filter": "[FilterFrequency]",
                        "compand_points": "[CompandFilter]",
                        "channel": [
                                "id": "[ChannelID]",
                                "low_pass_filter": "[FilterFrequency]",
                                "high_pass_filter": "[FilterFrequency]",
                                "compand_points": "[CompandFilter]",
                                "gain": "[ChannelGainLevel]",
                                "max_peak": "[MaxPeakLevel]"
                                // audio tune channel params
                    "adjust_lra": "[LRALevel]",
                    "accepted_loudness_interval": "[LoudnessInterval]",
                    "frame_wrapping": "[FrameWrapping]"
                    // audio_stream params
            // format params
ParameterDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Values
Audio Stresm Parameters
use_stream_idSpecify the source media stream ID.Non negative integer numberBy default # of **<audio_stream /> param will be used.
natural_orderIf set to yes then value of <use_stream_id /> will mean number of source's audio stream, not number of stream in all type streams list.yes, nono
languageSpecify the track language.A language code in 3 lowercase letters according to ISO639-2.none
normalizeEnable the renormalization output track to avoid clipping noise.yes, nonone
layoutSpecify the output channels layout.One of these channel layouts:
mono — FC
stereo — FL+FR
2.1 — FL+FR+LFE
3.0 — FL+FR+FC
3.0-back — FL+FR+BC
4.0 — FL+FR+FC+BC
quad — FL+FR+BL+BR
quad-side — FL+FR+SL+SR
3.1 — FL+FR+FC+LFE
5.0 — FL+FR+FC+BL+BR
5.0-side — FL+FR+FC+SL+SR
5.1-side — FL+FR+FC+LFE+SL+SR
6.0-front — FL+FR+FLC+FRC+SL+SR
hexagonal — FL+FR+FC+BL+BR+BC
6.1-front — FL+FR+LFE+FLC+FRC+SL+SR
7.0-front — FL+FR+FC+FLC+FRC+SL+SR
7.1-wide-side — FL+FR+FC+LFE+FLC+FRC+SL+SR
octagonal — FL+FR+FC+BL+BR+BC+SL+SR
downmix — DL+DR
automix_channelsAutomatically upmix or downmix audio stream to the specified number of channels in <audio_channels_number />yes, nono
lfe_lowLFE low cut off frequencyInteger number between 3 and 25520
lfe_highLFE high cut off frequencyInteger number between 3 and 512120
split_channelsMux PCM audio stream channels into output as individual tracks.yes, nono
program_idOutput stream program idNon-negative integer numbernone
adjust_lraLRA value audio normalization that would be applied for large audio streamsPositive float number between 1 and 20 inclusivenone
accepted_loudness_intervalLoudness interval of iterative loudness normalization for large audio streamsPositive float number between 0.1 and 1 inclusive1
Output Audio Channel Parameters
idSpecify the output channel ID.Channel number or one of these channel names:
FL — front left
FR — front right
FC — front center
LFE — low frequency
BL — back left
BR — back right
FLC — front left-of-center
FRC — front right-of-center
BC — back center
SL — side left
SR — side right
TC — top center
TFL — top front left
TFC — top front center
TFR — top front right
TBL — top back left
TBC — top back center
TBR — top back right
DL — downmix left
DR — downmix right
WL — wide left
WR — wide right
SDL — surround direct left
SDR — surround direct right
LFE2 — low frequency 2
split_layoutSet stream layout name for if <split_channels />set to yesfl, fr, fc, lfe, bl, br, flc, frc, bc, sl, sr, tc, tfl, tfc, tfr, tbl, tbc, tbr, dl, dr, wl, wr, sdl, sdr, rsl, rsr, lw, rw, lfe2, lt, rt, -none
Input Audio Channel Parameters
idSpecify input audio channel ID.Input channel ID in format [track_id]:[channel_id]none
gainSepcify the input audio channel gain level.Float positive number from 0 to 1none
program_idInput channel program idNon-negative integer numbernone
Validate ParametersSee dedicated article
metadata_channel_layoutForce channel layout value in the stream metadataFor mov and dnxhd output format:
c – C,
l_r – L R,
l_r_head – L R Head,
lt_rt – Lt Rt,
m_s – M S,
x_y – X Y,
w_x_y_z – W X Y Z,
l_r_ls_rs – L R Ls Rs,
l_r_lrs_rrs_c – L R Lrs Rrs C,
l_r_lrs_rrs_c_cs – L R Lrs Rrs C Cs,
l_r_lrs_rrs_c_crs_ls_rs – L R Lrs Rrs C Crs Ls Rs,
l_r_lrs_rrs_vhl_vhr_vhlrs_vhrrs – L R Lrs Rrs Vhl Vhr Vhlrs Vhrrs,
l_r_c – L R C,
c_l_r – C L R,
l_r_c_cs – L R C Cs,
c_l_r_cs – C L R Cs,
l_r_c_ls_rs – L R C Ls Rs,
l_r_ls_rs_c – L R Ls Rs C,
l_c_r_ls_rs – L C R Ls Rs,
c_l_r_ls_rs – C L R Ls Rs,
l_r_c_lfe_ls_rs – L R C LFE Ls Rs,
l_r_ls_rs_c_lfe – L R Ls Rs C LFE,
l_c_r_ls_rs_lfe – L C R Ls Rs LFE,
c_l_r_ls_rs_lfe – C L R Ls Rs LFE,
l_r_c_lfe_ls_rs_cs – L R C LFE Ls Rs Cs,
l_r_c_lfe_ls_rs_lc_rc – L R C LFE Ls Rs Lc Rc,
c_lc_rc_l_r_ls_rs_lfe – C Lc Rc L R Ls Rs LFE,
l_r_c_lfe_ls_r_rls_rrs – L R C LFE Ls R Rls Rrs,
l_r_ls_rs_c_lfe_lc_rc – L R Ls Rs C LFE Lc Rc,
l_r_c_lfe_ls_rs_lt_rt – L R C LFE Ls Rs Lt Rt,
l_r_cs – L R Cs,
l_r_lfe – L R LFE,
l_r_lfe_cs – L R LFE Cs,
l_r_lfe_ls_rs – L R LFE Ls Rs,
l_r_c_lfe – L R C LFE,
l_r_c_lfe_cs – L R C LFE Cs,
l_r_ls_rs_lfe – L R Ls Rs LFE,
l_r_ls_rs_c_cs – L R Ls Rs C Cs,
l_r_ls_rs_c_rls_rrs – L R Ls Rs C Rls Rrs,
c_l_r_ls_rs_cs – C L R Ls Rs Cs,
c_l_r_ls_rs_cs_lfe – C L R Ls Rs Cs LFE,
c_l_r_ls_rs_rls_rrs – C L R Ls Rs Rls Rrs,
c_l_r_ls_rs_rls_rrs_cs – C L R Ls Rs Rls Rrs Cs,
l_r_c_vhc_lsd_rsd_ls_rs_vhl_vhr_lw_rw_csd_cs_lfe1_lfe2 – L R C Vhc Lsd Rsd Ls Rs Vhl Vhr Lw Rw Csd Cs LFE1 LFE2,
l_r_c_vhc_lsd_rsd_ls_rs_vhl_vhr_lw_rw_csd_cs_lfe1_lfe2_lc_rc_hi_vi_haptic – L R C Vhc Lsd Rsd Ls Rs Vhl Vhr Lw Rw Csd Cs LFE1 LFE2 Lc Rc HI VI Haptic

For mxf_op1a output format:
L, FL,
R, FR,
C, FC,
Ls, BL,
Rs, BR,
Lc, FLC,
Cs, BC,
Lsd, SL,
Rsd, SR,
Ts, TC,
Ltf, TFL,
Ctf, TFC,
Rtf, TFR,
Ltr, Trl, TBL,
Ctr, Trc, TBC,
Rtr, Trr, TBR,
Lts, TSL,
dispositionAudio stream disposition typevisual_impaired, hearing_impairednone
frame_wrappingSet audio frame wrapping mode. Affects only the mxf_op1a outputaes3, bwfnone
Upmix Channel Gain Parameters
flLeft channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
frRight channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
fcCenter channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
lfeLFE channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
slSide left channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
srSide right channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
blBack left channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
brBack right channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
bcBack center channel gainFloat number between 0 and 1 inclusivenone
Audio Tune Parameters
low_pass_filterLow Pass filter frequencyNon-negative integer numbernone
high_pass_filterHigh Pass filter frequencyNon-negative integer numbernone
compand_pointsCompand filter points separated by pipe symbolValid compand filter stringnone
Audio Tune Channel Parameters
idChannel ID starting from 0Non-negative integer numbernone
low_pass_filterLow Pass filter frequencyNon-negative integer numbernone
high_pass_filterHigh Pass filter frequencyNon-negative integer numbernone
compand_pointsCompand filter points separated by pipe symbolValid compand filter stringnone
gainChannel gain levelFloat number between -100 and 100 exclusivenone
max_peakMaximum true peak level. Channel volume will be decreased to hit the specified value if the channel peak value overshoot the limitNegative float number greater than -100none


For lfe_low and lfe_hight

<lfe_low /> and <lfe_hight /> parameters will be allied only in case of channel upmixing.


For split_channels

The <split_channels /> parameter available only for PCM audio codecs.


For metadata_channel_layout

The <metadata_channel_layout /> parameter available only for mov, dnxhd and mxf_op1a output formats.


For adjust_lra and accepted_loudness_interval

The <adjust_lra /> and <accepted_loudness_interval /> parameters only applied for DEE processing for large audio streams with size over 4GB


For accepted_loudness_interval

We discovered, that sometimes loudness normalization performed by our default audio encoder doesn't work well, especially on complex audio with a high loudness range. Therefore an iterative loudness correction procedure may be applied. The accepted_loudness_interval parameter tunes the exit criteria for this procedure by setting an acceptable loudness interval. Corresponding to the EBU recommendation we use default value equals to 1.