Similar to thumbnail capture, but using the thumbnailset output allows multiple thumbnail images at distinct times to be captures in a single request.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userid>[UserID]</userid> <!-- required-->
<userkey>[UserKey]</userkey> <!-- required-->
<action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
<source>[SourceFile]</source> <!-- required-->
<!-- Multiple thumbnails may be included -->
<!-- thumbnail params -->
<!-- Format params -->
"query": {
"userid": "[UserID]", // required
"userkey": "[UserKey]", // required
"action": "[Action]", // required
"source": "[SourceFile]", // required
"format": {
"output": "thumbnailset", // required
"thumbnail": [
"time": "[Time]",
"width": "[Width]",
"height": "[Height]",
"quality": "[Quality]",
"file_extension": "jpg",
"keep_aspect_ratio": "[yes|no]",
"destination": "DestinationURL]"
// thumbnail params
// Multiple thumbnails params may be included
// Format params
Parameter | Description | Allowed Values | Default Value |
time | Specify the timestamp in seconds, percentage, or interval to capture thumbnails. | – once created thumbnail from given timestamp. Example: N% – Positive percentage number from 1 to 100%. Will generate thumbnail on N% of video duration. Example: N – Positive number greater than 0.01. Will generate thumbnail on N second. Example: N! – Positive integer number greater or equals to 1. Will generate thumbnail on every N second. Example: | 5 |
width | Specify the thumbnail width in pixels. | Positive integer | none |
height | Specify the thumbnail height in pixels. | Positive integer | none |
quality | Image Quality | Positive integer between 1 and 100 | 83 |
file_extension | File Extension | jpg | none |
keep_aspect_ratio | Keep image aspect ratio | yes, no | no |
destination | Thumbnail destination | Valid URL | none |