27 February 2025

Audio pass-through for Apple ProRes outputs

Ability to pass-through audio using audio_codec=copy added to the Apple ProRes output.

ParameterDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Value
audio_codecSpecify the audio codecpcm_s16le, pcm_s24le, pcm_s32le, libfaac, copypcm_s24le

Multiple cea-608/708 closed_captions sections handling

Changed multiple cea-608/708 captions handling


For multiple cea-608/708 <closed_captions> blocks

If there are two cea-608/708 <closed_captions> blocks, cea-608 captions will be placed to CC1 and CC3 channels, in case of more than two blocks, they will be placed to the channels with sequential indices, i.e. CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4. cea-708 captions are always placed to channels with sequential numbers (Service1, Service2, etc.)