15 August 2024
7 months ago by ReadMe API
New cropping types for auto crop
New values center and center_resize addded for crop_type option
Parameter | Description | Allowed Values | Default Value |
crop_type | Specify cropping type. | resize - crop letterbox, then crop to keep width/height ratio then re-scaling to fit output size. stretch - crop letterbox, then re-scaling without saving of width/heigth ratio to fit output size crop - only letterbox cropping center - after letterbox cropping the source image is centered in the target image without scaling. A lesser dimension is filled, a greater dimension is cropped center_resize - after letterbox cropping the source image is centered and resized so that it fills the entire tagget space without filling. Then excess pixels are cropped | resize |
Output S3 Storage Class
It is possible to specify S3 storage class in the S3 output destinations, using new storage_class
parameter in the destination URL.
The following storage classes are supported:
- STANDARD (default)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userid>[id]</userid> <!-- required -->
<userkey>[key]</userkey> <!-- required -->
<action>AddMedia</action> <!-- required -->
<source>[SourceFile]</source> <!-- required -->
<output>[format]</output> <!-- required-->
OMMCP REPACK format parameter for MXF OP1a
OMMCP REPACK format parameter available for mxf_op1a format
For ommcp_repack parameter
The <ommcp_repack/> parameter available only for mov and mxf_op1a output formats
Parameter to decode GXF source
Added parameter to properly decode GXF source with sequential field num increment to video settings
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userid>[UserID]</userid> <!-- required-->
<userkey>[UserKey]</userkey> <!-- required-->
<action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
<!-- format params -->
"query": {
"userid": "[UserID]", // required
"userkey": "[UserKey]", // required
"action": "[Action]", // required
"source": "[FileURL]", // required
"format": {
"output": "[OutputFormat]", // required
"gxf_sequential_field_num": "[yes|no]"
// format params
Field Name | Description | Allowed Values | Default Values |
gxf_sequential_field_num | Set to "yes" if the GXF source file is out of the SMPTE 360-2009 standard, and use sequential field number increments for frame-encoded video. | yes, no | no |
Preserve style and positioning when converting TTML to WebVTT
The API parameter strip_formatting
from the Closed Captions block and Caption to Caption conversion now applies to TTML to WebVTT conversion. By default, style and positioning will be preserved.
Parameter | Description | Allowed Values | Default Value |
strip_formatting | Remove all formatting tags (available only for TTML (DFXP) output and TTML to WebVTT conversion). | yes, no | no |