09 February 2016 - Ken Burns slideshow

You can add Ken Burns effect for images in slideshow.

You just need to specify starting and ending frames and duration.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <userid><<id>></userid> <!-- required-->
    <userkey><<key>></userkey> <!-- required-->
    <source><!-- next slides --></source>
    "query": {
        "userid": "<<id>>",
        "userkey": "<<key>>",
        "action": "AddMedia",
        "source": [
        "slideshow": "1",
        "format": {
            "output": "[OutputFormat]",
            "size": "[OutputSize]"

Source params description

Parameter NameDescriptionDescriptionAllowed Values
directionEffect description[StartX],[StartY],[StartWidth];[EndX],[EndY],[EndWidth]
StartXLeft coordinate of the starting framePositive Integer(in pixels)
StartYTop coordinate of the starting frame
StartWidthStarting frame width. Height would be calculated automatically.
EndXLeft coordinate of the ending frame
EndYTop coordinate of the ending frame
EndWidthEnding frame width. Height would be calculated automatically.
Examples:1. Image: 800x600; Starting frame width: 600; 10% zoom out from center. direction=100,75,600;70,53,660
2. Image: 800x600; Starting frame width: 600; 10% zoom in from center. direction=100,75,600;130,98,540
3. Image: 800x600; Starting frame width: 600; Move from left top corner to right bottom corner w/o zoom. direction=0,0,600;200,150,600
4. Image: 800x600; Starting frame width: 600; Frame at left side vertically centered zoom out to fill width. direction=0,75,600;0,0,800
sizeResulting frame size[Width]x[Height]
durationEffect durationPositive integer(in seconds)
transitionEnable fade transition between slideson,off