30 May 2013

New Vidly features

Added new preset - Vidly Lite - vidly_lite. This preset creates new vid.ly short URL and generates only 5 output formats. We also added support for HD player button in vid.ly player and HLS support for Vidly Lite URL's.

Field NameDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Values
vidly_hlsEnables HLS format for Vidly Lite URLyes, nono
vidly_hdEnables HD button in Vid.ly player. High Definition (720p) videos will be generated.yes, nono

VTT feature

New option in thumbnail format:

Field NameDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Values
use_vttJoin resulting thumbnails in single video tooltip thumbnail (VTT)yes, nono
vtt_line_sizeSet the count of thumbnails in line on VTT imageNon-negative integer4

Support FTP multithreading

Parameter "?multithread=1" in source url turns on multithread download for http/ftp.

Link your encoding.com account with your YouTube account

In order to simplify usage of YouTube as output destination, we added ability to link your encoding.com account with your YouTube account in "My Account" section of User Interface. In that case you may not specify [YoutubeLogin] and [YoutubePassword].

HRD information and bitstream packing

Specifying HRD information and packing the bitstream to the specified bitrate is now possible with following option in format fields:

Field NameDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Values
hard_cbrSpecify HRD information and pack the bitstream to the specified bitrateyes, nono

Segmenter option for Apple HTTP Live Streaming

Field NameDescriptionAllowed ValuesDefault Values
segmenterv1, v2v1