27 February 2013
almost 12 years ago by Encoding.com Product Team
If you want to create slideshow from your sources you should specify 1 in Main Fields. Now we can support following input formats for slideshow: jpeg, png, mpeg audio, mpeg-4, wave. If audio file was specified - it would be used as audio stream in output slideshow video. By default each slide has duration equal to 3 seconds. If you want to change it, you should add duration parameter to your source.
Text overlay
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userid><<id>></userid> <!-- required-->
<userkey><<key>></userkey> <!-- required-->
<action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
<!-- Format fields -->
<!-- ... -->
"query": {
"userid": "<<id>>",
"userkey": "<<key>>",
"action": "[Action]",
"format": {
"text_overlay": [
"text": "[Font1Source]",
"font_source": "[Font1Source]",
"font_size": "[Font1Size]",
"font_rotate": "[Font1Rotate]",
"font_color": "[Font1Color]",
"align_center": "[0|1]",
"overlay_x": "[TextOverlay1PositionX]",
"overlay_y": "[TextOverlay1PositionY]",
"size": "[TextOverlay1Size]",
"overlay_start": "[TextOverlay1StartInSeconds]",
"overlay_duration": "[TextOverlay1DurationInSeconds]"
"text": "[FontNSource]",
"font_source": "[FontNSource]",
"font_size": "[FontNSize]",
"font_rotate": "[FontNRotate]",
"font_color": "[FontNColor]",
"align_center": "[0|1]",
"overlay_x": "[TextOverlayNPositionX]",
"overlay_y": "[TextOverlayNPositionY]",
"size": "[TextOverlayNSize]",
"overlay_start": "[TextOverlayNStartInSeconds]",
"overlay_duration": "[TextOverlayNDurationInSeconds]"
Field Name | Description | Allowed Values | Default Values |
(required)textText for overlay | Valid url | None | |
(required)font_sourceFont's source URL | Valid url | None | |
font_size | Text font's size | non-negative integer | 20 |
font_rotate | Angle on which text should be rotated | integer | 0 |
font_color | Font color | 6-digits hexadecimal 000000-FFFFFF | 000000 |
align_center | Align text by center | 0 or 1 | 0 |
overlay_x | Overlay's position X | non-negative integer | 0 |
overlay_y | Overlay's position Y | non-negative integer | 0 |
size | Size of the text block | WxH where W and H - positive integers | None |
overlay_start | Overlay's start time (in seconds) | positive float value | 0 |
overlay_duration | Overlay's duration (in seconds) | positive float value | None |
Ability to add paddings to video
If you want to add paddings to video you should specify in format fields:
Field Name | Description | Allowed Values | Default Values |
padd_top | Padding Top | Non-negative integer | 0 |
padd_left | Padding Left | Non-negative integer | 0 |
padd_right | Padding Right | Non-negative integer | 0 |
padd_bottom | Padding Bottom | Non-negative integer | 0 |
Feature Request: Avid DNxHD format for .mov output
Added dnxhd. Additionally the following options are available in fields:
Field Name | Description | Allowed Values | Default Values |
best_quality | Best quality mode (very slow) | yes, no | no |
interlaced | yes, no | no | |
Note: | bitrate is specified separately and the default is 145m |
Feature request: adaptive framesize HLS preset using RESOLUTION parameter
Several sizes may be specified in for Apple's HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) output.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userid><<id>></userid> <!-- required-->
<userkey><<key>></userkey> <!-- required-->
<action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
<!-- Format fields -->
"query": {
"userid": "<<id>>",
"userkey": "<<key>>",
"action": "[Action]",
"format": {
"output": "[iphone_stream|ipad_stream]",
"size": "[CommaSeparatedList]",
"bitrates": "[CommaSeparatedList]"
Field Name | Description | Allowed Values | Default Values |
size | Comma separated list of video sizes | One or more valid size values separated by commas | iphone_stream: 400x300ipad_stream: 640x480 |
Force YUV420p colorspace
Added <pix_format> option in format fields to lock output to YUV420p colorspace.
Field Name | Description | Allowed Values | Default Values |
pix_format | Pixel format | yuv420p, yuv422p, yuvj420p, yuvj422p, source | yuv420p |
Note: | If 'source' specified as value, then <pix_format> won't be added to format options. |