18 November 2010 - Specifying AWS user ID and content-type for S3 object
Thumbnail time in percentage rate
| Format Name | Description | Allowed Values |
| time | Timestamp (in seconds or percentage rate) to capture thumbnail. | Non-negative number greater than 0.01 or hh:mm:ss.ms or 1-100% percentage rate. |
Destination fields
| Format Name | Description | Allowed Values |
| destination | The destination URL to put the encoded file. | ftp://[user[:password]@]hostname[:port]/[path]/[filename][?passive=yes], sftp://[user[:password]@]hostname[:port]/[path]/[filename], http://[bucket].s3.amazonaws.com/[filename][?acl=public-read | authenticated-read]&canonical_id=AWS_CANONICAL_USER_ID - if you specify AWS canonical user ID in the URL, FULL_CONTROL on the object will be granted to the specified user. Also, you can add ?acl=public-read OR ?acl=authenticated-read parameter. This will explicitly set access rights to the saved object instead of the default settings. http://[bucket].s3.amazonaws.com/[filename]?acl=public-read&content_type=your-own/content-type - if you specify Content type then Amazon will add appropriate Content-type header when the object is accessed via the web.http://[AWS_KEY:AWS_SECRET@][bucket].s3.amazonaws.com/[filename][?acl=public-read | authenticated-read] - If you need your S3 files to be accessed with your own AWS credentials, add your AWS key/secret to the URL. If you use the Access key and Secret key they must be urlencode. Let the Key and the Secret are: 1ZG3YAKJ8W0VOA9L7WT6, lQT5MsQLirc8owb:SxX/9EhU4M+QarasFelQ0v2M First, we must urlencode the Secret as it contains special URL's characters: ':','+' and '/'. The encoded Secret is: lQT5MsQLirc8owb%3ASxX%2F9EhU4M%2BQarasFelQ0v2M We should not encode the colon between Key and Secret nor the '@' after them.So, the destination URL will be:http://1ZG3YAKJ8W0VOA9L7WT6:lQT5MsQLirc8owb%3ASxX%2F9EhU4M%[email protected]/v/encoded/http://[RS_USER:RS_KEY@]storage.cloudfiles.com/[path]/[filename] - Virtual URLhttps://storage4.clouddrive.com/v1/MossoCloudFS_cea19775-aa94-4d78-8da9-1a7b4bbbd548/your_folder/file.ext?auth-token=c2633419-7b79-3d58-8417-d63666dddfd5 - Real URL like this if you were authenticated yourself recently Note: do not forget to encode your AWS_SECRET, specifically replace '/ ' with '%2F'. If you don't specify AWS key/secret, the bucket must have READ and WRITE permissions for AWS user 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b962948f69972a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869, Seehttp://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/ACLOverview.html#SpecifyingGrantee for details. |