01 January 2008 Concatenate Videos
about 17 years ago by Encoding.com Product Team
With this feature, you can combine multiple source video files into one file. To use this feature via the User Interface, you can add multiple video sources in the "Add Media" section and they will automatically combine into one file (in sequential order) during the encoding process. To utilize this concatenation feature via the API, you should use several elements in your XML request which will be added sequentially during the encoding process. In addition, you can use different source video URLs / locations (HTTP, FTP, S3, CloudFiles) along with different media properties for each source video (format, frame size, bitrate, codec, etc...). [Read more] For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userid>\<\<id\>\></userid> <!-- required-->
<userkey>[UserKey]</userkey> <!-- required-->
<action>[Action]</action> <!-- required-->
<!-- if multiple SourceFile added, they will be concatenated -->
<!-- Format fields -->
"query": {
"userid": "<<id>>",
"userkey": "[UserKey]",
"action": "[Action]",
"source": [
"format": ""